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Passion of the Art

Passion is defined as a strong feeling of enthusiasm towards something; it requires dedication, hard work, criticism, failures, successes, growth and a constant desire to improve. Photography is my passion and has been since I started pausing time with my camera years ago. I have had many failures and success along the way. Through failures comes more success. Today, I’m fortunate enough to bring my photography to a professional level and my journey begins with building my business.

This journey includes you; my audience of friends, family, clients, potential clients and even fellow photographers. I look forward to sharing the adventure- the new tricks I discover, my favorite past photographs, my inspirations and even my dream events. Together we will make memories, capture them and preserve them for years to come, while building the foundation of Sheridan Photography.

Thank you for being part of the building blocks to my dream, my passion. Here’s to the pictures of tomorrow.


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