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Building a website

Today I look to advance my photography passion and promote it to others. Promotion begins through the production of a website to display my work. A photograph is a long lasting memory of a time or event that was important. You may or may not know this, but building a website is tedious! To put the image in my mind onto a screen is a task, which although enjoyable, is nothing like snapping the images in front of me. Many different variables and options are possible and choosing the right one is challenging. From color schemes, to which pictures go where and so forth, it’s important for me to display my work in a way that not only pleases me, but in a way that shows you that passion I discussed in my first blog entry.

However, the website is just one way that I find myself promoting my growing business. Word of mouth amongst relatives, friends and former clients has proven itself invaluable. Business cards (currently being designed) will hopefully find me with more booked events and appointments as well. Success with the first two methods leads me to believe that we will see further success together in the growth of Sheridan Photography.

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